Olubunkola Ojeifo Interview

The joy that fills your heart after you are a blessing to others, is your reward
Olubunkola, Founder of HairOnPurpose
Why is giving back important to you?
Giving back is important to me because when I was young, I had older women pour into an advocate for me. They did so for no other reason than to instill confidence in me and instill ambition in me to go after my wildest dreams. I give back so that this next generation has the same love I was fortunate enough to receive.
How will you shift the culture through your philanthropic endeavors?
On the surface, HairOnPurpose is an organization centered around hair education, but truly what we are doing is shifting the narrative for black and brown girls experiences and relationships with their hair, which in turn will shift their experiences and relationships with themselves in other areas of their life, thus creating a generation of unapologetic queens who embrace ever fiber of their being.
What is the biggest myth about giving back and volunteering that needs to be debunked?
The biggest myth about giving back and volunteering is that it is solely for the people who are receiving help. Not true. It's a mutual transaction. The joy that fills your heart after you are a blessing to others is your reward...your payment.. your "job well done"
What is your organization’s biggest need and how can people support?
We need the support of PEOPLE who are willing to volunteer as Program Coordinators and Board Members. PEOPLE who are ready and willing to be champions for young queens.
Continue the sentence... I give too because...
I give too because I take seriously the vision that has been gifted to me, I give wholeheartedly because it's a disservice to give with anything less, I give without reservation because reservations are for restaurants, not for helping others , I give with love because that is the feeling I want people to walk away with after interacting with our program.